Arkansas Rural Physician Recruitment Program

June 8, 20180

As you have seen through other states, Arkansas also offers a few different student loan repayment programs that you may be eligible for. This program is known as the Arkansas Rural Physician Recruitment Program. This program is designed specifically for residents in Arkansas who work in rural communities as primary care physician. The main goal of this program is to offer assistance to communities that have a shortage or are underserved. To learn more about this program and its offerings continue on to the full article.


In order to be eligible for this program, you will need to meet the following requirements in order to be eligible;

  • Graduate from an Accredited Medical School in the United States & you must be currently enrolled in residency or other training program.
  • Must be in the area of primary care or completed training no more than two years prior to the date of application.

Along with this program you will need to work in a qualifying community. The communities must apply along with you. Here are the guidelines for the communities who wish to apply;

  • Any rural community in Arkansas in need of a physician. Each applicant must be approved by the Arkansas Rural Medical Practice Student Loan and Scholarship Board.

For further information on this program, you can check out the PDF here.

How much should be expected through his award?

Through this program, qualifying participants will be eligible to qualify for a maximum of $80,000 over a period of four years. This broken down equates to $20,000 per year over the period of four years. The Board provides one-half and the community provides the other half. At the beginning of each year of service, the community is to send $10,000 to UAMS. The physician receives credit for every three months of service and is sent $5000 at the end of each three month service period. A form 1099 will be sent to participating physicians annually for tax purposes. For more information on the program and more in-depth information regarding awards please check out the programs PDF here.

How to apply?

In order to apply for this program, you will need to apply prior to the 5th of January each year. You can apply for this program you can go to the following link to get the application information.

For more information you can reach out to Tammy below:

Tammy Henson

Administrator, Rural Practice Programs

4301 W. Markham St. #551

Little Rock, AR 72205

Phone: 501-686-5354



If you still have questions or would like to know more information please reach out to us here or you can go back to the Student Loan Repayment Assistance Programs page.