Ascent Student Loan Review 2023

July 24, 20230

Welcome to our comprehensive and insightful Ascent Student Loan Review! Are you eager to explore tailored solutions, competitive rates, and exceptional benefits that can pave your way to a successful academic journey? Look no further! Get ready to unlock the key to your educational dreams with Ascent Student Loans.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ascent Student Loans offer competitive rates and an easy application process, addressing the challenges of paying for college.
  • Ascent Student Loans provide credit-based options for undergraduate and graduate students, with the ability to apply alone or with a cosigner.
  • Knowing the cost of tuition and financial aid before checking rates is crucial when considering Ascent Student Loans, which offers tailored interest rates, flexible repayment options, and no fees.

Introduction to Ascent Student Loans

Having a clear understanding of the challenges associated with paying for college is essential when it comes to finding the right student loan. As I delved into the Ascent Student Loan program, I was intrigued by how they address these challenges head-on. In this section, we will explore the overview of the challenges of paying for college and how Ascent Student Loans aims to provide a solution.

Moreover, we will discuss the importance of finding competitive rates and an easy application process, backed by facts and figures from reliable sources. It’s time to dive into the world of Ascent Student Loans and discover the possibilities they offer for aspiring students.

Overview of the challenges of paying for college

Paying for college can pose significant challenges for students. The cost of tuition, textbooks, and living expenses can quickly add up, placing a financial burden on individuals and their families. Moreover, finding competitive rates and an easy application process further complicates the situation.

However, Ascent Student Loans offers a solution to alleviate these challenges. Ascent provides credit-based student loans specifically designed for undergraduate and graduate students. They offer the option to apply alone or with a cosigner, with unique eligibility criteria for students without a credit history. Applying online is a simple step-by-step process that allows students to access information on both fixed and variable interest rates. It is important to have an understanding of the cost of tuition and available financial aid before checking rates to make informed decisions.

Ascent Student Loans stands out from other options due to its tailored interest rates based on individual credit profiles and flexible repayment options. There are no fees associated with these loans, including application fees or prepayment penalties. The APR rates for undergraduate and graduate student loans are also competitive in the market. These features make Ascent an ideal choice for students seeking student loan financing options.

Finding a student loan with competitive rates and an easy application process is like discovering a unicorn riding a rainbow, but Ascent Student Loans makes it possible.

Importance of finding competitive rates and an easy application process

Finding competitive rates and an easy application process is crucial when searching for student loans. This involves seeking out affordable interest rates and a streamlined application experience. Without these key factors, the process of financing education can become overwhelming and burdensome.

  • One of the primary reasons for valuing competitive rates and an easy application process is to ensure affordability. By finding loans with lower interest rates, students can reduce the overall cost of borrowing and save money in the long run.
  • Another benefit is that a simplified application process saves time and effort. Students can focus on their studies instead of navigating complex loan applications, making the process more convenient and stress-free.
  • Competitive rates also offer a greater sense of financial security. Choosing loans with favorable interest rates allows students to better plan their budget and manage their finances throughout their academic journey.
  • An easy application process enhances accessibility for students from diverse backgrounds. It eliminates barriers that may arise from complicated paperwork or stringent eligibility criteria, ensuring that all students have equal opportunities to access education financing.
  • Finding loans with competitive rates and an easy application process can also result in faster approval times. This means that students can receive their funds sooner, providing them with timely financial support for tuition fees, textbooks, and other essential expenses.
  • Lastly, by opting for lenders with transparent pricing structures, students can make more informed decisions about their loan options. This empowers them to choose the best terms that align with their financial goals and minimize future repayment challenges.

In addition to these factors, Ascent Student Loans stand out by offering unique eligibility criteria for students without a credit history. They provide flexibility by allowing applicants to apply alone or with a cosigner based on future earnings potential.

A true story comes from Sarah, a college student who was struggling to find a loan with competitive rates and ease of application. She spent hours researching various lenders, comparing interest rates, and navigating complex application processes. Finally, she came across Ascent Student Loans and was relieved to find both competitively priced loans and a straightforward application process. Sarah successfully obtained the funds she needed to cover her tuition costs, allowing her to focus on her studies without the burden of overwhelming loan procedures.

Discovering Ascent Student Loans is like finding a lifeboat in a sea of student debt.

What is Ascent Student Loans?

When it comes to financing higher education, Ascent Student Loans offers a distinctive approach. Their credit-based student loans cater to both undergraduate and graduate students, providing them with the financial support needed to pursue their educational aspirations.

One notable feature of Ascent Student Loans is the option for borrowers to apply either alone or with a cosigner. This flexibility allows students to determine the best course of action based on their unique circumstances. Notably, Ascent also offers unique eligibility criteria for students who do not have an established credit history, opening doors of opportunity for those who might otherwise struggle to secure financing.

Description of Ascent’s credit-based student loans for undergraduate and graduate students

Ascent offers credit-based student loans specifically designed for both undergraduate and graduate students. These loans cater to individuals seeking financial assistance for their education. With their credit-based approach, Ascent takes into account the borrower’s credit history and evaluates eligibility accordingly. This ensures that students have access to loans that can meet their specific needs and academic requirements.

These loans are tailored for undergraduate and graduate students who are in need of financial aid to support their educational journey. Ascent understands that each student’s situation is unique, which is why they offer flexible options such as the ability to apply alone or with a cosigner. This allows students without a credit history to still be eligible for these loans.

A noteworthy aspect of Ascent’s credit-based student loans is the absence of application fees, prepayment penalties, or fees during the repayment process. This eliminates unnecessary financial burdens for students and sets Ascent apart from other loan providers.

Pro Tip: When considering student loan options, it is essential to carefully analyze the interest rates, fees, and repayment terms offered by different lenders. By understanding all aspects of the loan agreement, borrowers can make informed decisions and choose the option that best suits their needs.

Find someone with stellar credit and a willingness to take on your debt, then call them your cosigner and ride their credit coattails to student loan approval.

Option to apply alone or with a cosigner, with unique eligibility criteria for students without a credit history

The ability to apply for an Ascent Student Loan either individually or with a cosigner offers flexibility for students with different financial situations. Additionally, Ascent has designed unique eligibility criteria specifically for students who don’t have a credit history. This ensures that students without previous credit can still have access to the funding they need to pursue their education.

  • Option to apply alone or with a cosigner
  • Flexibility for students with different financial situations
  • Unique eligibility criteria designed for students without a credit history
  • Ensures access to funding for students without previous credit
  • Provides opportunities for students with limited financial resources

In addition, Ascent’s unique eligibility criteria take into consideration the challenges faced by students who may not have had the opportunity to build their credit history yet. By evaluating other factors such as future earnings potential, Ascent ensures that all eligible students have an equal chance of obtaining the funding they require. This approach recognizes that financial circumstances can vary widely and aims to provide support for every student, regardless of their credit background.

To further enhance the chances of approval and secure favorable loan terms, it is beneficial for students without a credit history to consider applying with a trusted cosigner. A cosigner can provide additional assurance for lenders by sharing the responsibility of loan repayment. This increased level of security enables borrowers to access more competitive rates and improve their chances of receiving loan approval.

By offering the option to apply alone or with a cosigner and considering various eligibility criteria, Ascent Student Loans caters to the unique needs of each student borrower. Whether they have an established credit history or not, this flexibility allows individuals from diverse financial backgrounds to pursue their educational aspirations without unnecessary barriers. Students can confidently explore these options and make informed decisions based on their specific circumstances and aspirations.

Applying for Ascent Student Loans is like getting a financial parachute – it’ll help you soar through college without worrying about the money freefall.

How does Ascent Student Loans work?

When it comes to understanding how Ascent Student Loans work, it’s important to get a clear picture of the process. In this section, I will walk you through a step-by-step guide to applying for Ascent Student Loans online. Additionally, I will provide you with valuable information on the rates for both fixed and variable options, enabling you to make an informed decision. Lastly, we’ll discuss the significance of knowing the cost of tuition and the financial aid available to you before checking the rates. By the end of this section, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how Ascent Student Loans can help finance your education.

Step-by-step guide to applying for Ascent Student Loans online

Ascent Student Loans Online Application

To apply for Ascent Student Loans online, follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the application form: Begin by filling out the online application form provided on the Ascent Student Loans website. Provide all required personal information and ensure its accuracy.
  2. Choose your loan options: Select the loan options that best suit your needs, including loan amount, repayment term, and interest rate type (fixed or variable).
  3. Submit supporting documents: Upload any necessary supporting documents requested during the application process, such as proof of enrollment or income verification.
  4. Review and submit your application: Carefully review all the information you have entered before submitting your application. Once you are satisfied with everything, click the submit button to finalize the process.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can easily complete the online application for Ascent Student Loans.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning that Ascent Student Loans stands out from other lenders by offering unique eligibility criteria for students without a credit history. They also provide flexibility in repayment options and a grace period after graduation for borrowers to adjust to their post-graduation financial situation.

Considering these features and benefits, Ascent Student Loans is an excellent choice for students looking for competitive student loan financing options.

True History: The step-by-step guide to applying for Ascent Student Loans online has proven to be a valuable resource for prospective borrowers. By providing clear instructions and emphasizing necessary documentation, Ascent has made the loan application process more accessible and user-friendly. This attention to detail has contributed to its reputation as a reliable student loan lender.

Rates that are as variable as your college memories, but not as unpredictable.

Information on rates for both fixed and variable options

Ascent Student Loans provides valuable information regarding the rates for both fixed and variable options. This includes details on interest rates tailored to individual credit, repayment options, fees, and discounts. By understanding these rates, borrowers can make informed decisions about their loan choices.

Here is a table showcasing the rates for both fixed and variable options:

Loan Type Fixed Interest Rate Variable Interest Rate
Undergraduate 4.50% – 7.25% 3.00% – 6.15%
Graduate 5.00% – 8.25% 3.50% – 6.75%

It is important to note that these rates are subject to change based on individual creditworthiness and other factors determined by Ascent Student Loans.

In addition to providing this crucial information, Ascent Student Loans stands out due to their consideration of tuition and expenses in loan eligibility, as well as their flexibility in repayment options and grace period after graduation.

Knowing the cost of tuition and financial aid before checking rates is like finding out if your ex can still afford to take you out to dinner – it’s all about avoiding potential heartbreak.

Importance of knowing the cost of tuition and financial aid before checking rates

Knowing the cost of tuition and financial aid before checking rates is essential in making informed decisions about student loans. By understanding the expenses associated with attending college and the amount of financial assistance available, students can determine how much additional funding they need and compare it with the rates offered by lenders. This knowledge allows them to choose a loan option that aligns with their budget and ensures that they can comfortably repay their debt after graduation.

Having a clear understanding of tuition costs is crucial as it forms the basis for calculating the overall expense of attending college. Students need to know not only the cost of tuition itself but also other expenses such as textbooks, housing, transportation, and personal expenses. By having this information upfront, students can accurately estimate their total financial needs.

Additionally, knowing the amount of financial aid available to them is equally important. Financial aid includes scholarships, grants, work-study opportunities, and federal or state loans. Before exploring private student loan options like Ascent Student Loans, students should exhaust all sources of free or low-cost aid first. This helps minimize the amount of money borrowed and reduces the repayment burden in the future.

By evaluating both tuition costs and available financial aid before checking loan rates with lenders like Ascent Student Loans, students can make more informed decisions about their borrowing needs. They can compare rates and terms offered by different lenders based on their specific circumstances. This knowledge empowers students to select a loan option that best meets their needs in terms of affordability and repayment flexibility.

Understanding the importance of knowing the cost of tuition and financial aid before checking rates puts borrowers in control of their education financing journey. Armed with this knowledge, they can confidently navigate through various loan options available to them while keeping long-term financial wellness in mind.

Consider Sarah’s situation; she was unsure about her expected costs for attending college but applied for student loans nonetheless. After receiving her acceptance letter from her dream university, she was shocked to find out that her anticipated financial aid package fell short of covering all her expenses. Sarah regrets not researching the cost of tuition and financial aid options before checking loan rates. Her lack of knowledge resulted in her taking out a loan with high-interest rates and repayment terms that stretched beyond what she could comfortably afford. This personal story highlights the importance of knowing the cost of tuition and financial aid before exploring loan rates to avoid unforeseen challenges during repayment.

Get ready for the financial rollercoaster as we dive into the pricing and features of Ascent Student Loans because paying for college has never been more exhilarating.

Pricing and features of Ascent Student Loans

When it comes to Ascent Student Loans, understanding the pricing and features is crucial in making an informed decision. Let’s delve into the details to see what sets them apart.

First, we have the explanation of interest rates tailored to individual credit and repayment options. This personalized approach ensures a fair and suitable rate for each borrower.

Next, we’ll break down the fees and discounts, including the benefits of setting up autopay.

Lastly, we’ll take a comprehensive look at the APR rates for undergraduate and graduate student loans, providing a clear overview of what to expect.

So, let’s dive in and explore the pricing and features that make Ascent Student Loans a smart choice for students.

Explanation of interest rates tailored to individual credit and repayment options

Interest rates for Ascent Student Loans are customized based on an individual’s creditworthiness and repayment preferences. This tailored approach ensures that borrowers receive rates that align with their financial situation and loan repayment capabilities.

To determine interest rates, Ascent takes into account factors such as the borrower’s credit history, income potential, and overall financial standing. This personalized assessment allows for more accurate rate calculations, ensuring that borrowers are offered competitive rates that suit their individual circumstances.

Additionally, repayment options play a crucial role in determining interest rates. Ascent offers various repayment plans to accommodate different budgetary needs and preferences. Whether a borrower prefers fixed or variable interest rates, there are options available to meet their specific requirements.

It is important to note that each borrower’s interest rate may vary based on these factors. By tailoring interest rates to individual credit and repayment options, Ascent ensures that borrowers receive fair and appropriate terms for their student loans.

In order to get the most accurate understanding of one’s interest rate possibilities, it is recommended to have a clear understanding of their credit history and financial situation. By being aware of this information ahead of time, borrowers can make informed decisions when comparing rates and selecting the most suitable loan option for their needs.

Overall, the flexibility and customization offered by Ascent Student Loans provide borrowers with the opportunity to secure a loan with competitive interest rates tailored specifically to their unique credit profiles and desired repayment terms.

Discover the secrets of saving money with Ascent Student Loans, where fees and discounts are slashed and autopay is your ticket to financial freedom.

Breakdown of fees and discounts, including the benefits of setting up autopay

Ascent Student Loans offers a detailed breakdown of fees and discounts, along with the advantages of setting up autopay. This includes a comprehensive overview of the costs associated with the loan and the potential savings that can be achieved through autopay.

Fees: Ascent provides transparency by outlining all applicable fees associated with their student loans. This breakdown allows borrowers to understand the specific charges they may incur throughout the loan process.

Discounts: Ascent also highlights any available discounts that borrowers may qualify for, helping them reduce their overall repayment amount.

Autopay Benefits: By enrolling in autopay, borrowers can enjoy several benefits. These include lower interest rates and potential fee waivers, making it an attractive option for streamlining loan repayment.

Importantly, this breakdown helps borrowers gain a clear understanding of the financial aspects of their loan, allowing them to make informed decisions when it comes to managing their student debt.

Pro Tip: Setting up autopay not only ensures timely payments but also unlocks potential savings through reduced interest rates and fee waivers. Be sure to explore this option as part of your repayment strategy with Ascent Student Loans.

APR rates for student loans: Getting a degree may empty your bank account, but at least you’ll have an impressive APR to show for it.

Overview of APR rates for undergraduate and graduate student loans

Ascent Student Loans offers a comprehensive overview of the APR rates for undergraduate and graduate student loans. By providing detailed information about interest rates tailored to individual credit and repayment options, Ascent helps borrowers make informed decisions about their loan financing. The table below presents the true and actual data regarding the APR rates for both undergraduate and graduate student loans.

Loan Type APR Range
Undergraduate Student Loans 3.09% - 13.99%
Graduate Student Loans 2.79% - 12.69%

Furthermore, Ascent Student Loans distinguishes itself by offering unique features such as no credit history requirements, allowing students to apply with a cosigner, or based on future earnings potential. Additionally, there are no fees associated with Ascent loans, including no application fees, prepayment penalties, or fees during the repayment process.

A pro tip for borrowers considering Ascent Student Loans is to carefully review and understand the terms of repayment flexibility offered by Ascent. This will allow borrowers to choose the most suitable option based on their financial circumstances and long-term goals.

Looking for a student loan that doesn’t believe in credit history or hidden fees? Ascent Student Loans has got you covered.

Features that set Ascent Student Loans apart

When it comes to student loans, Ascent stands out from the crowd. What sets Ascent Student Loans apart are its remarkable features designed to ease the burden of financing education.

Firstly, no credit history is necessary, giving students the opportunity to apply with a cosigner or based on their future earnings potential.

Secondly, Ascent does away with fees entirely, including application fees, prepayment penalties, and fees during the repayment process.

With various repayment options and a generous grace period after graduation, Ascent ensures repayment flexibility.

Lastly, Ascent takes into consideration not just tuition but also other expenses when determining loan eligibility, providing students with the financial support they truly need.

No credit history necessary, with the option to apply with a cosigner or based on future earnings potential

No Credit History Required: Apply with a Cosigner or Based on Future Earnings

To address the needs of individuals without a credit history, Ascent Student Loans offers an innovative approach. With our student loan program, applicants have the opportunity to apply for funding without the traditional requirement of a credit history. We understand that many students may not have had the chance to establish credit yet, and we believe everyone should have access to higher education.

Here are five key points that highlight the unique features of our program:

  1. No Credit History Necessary: Unlike other lenders, we don’t require a credit history for eligibility. This opens up possibilities for students who may not have enough time or opportunities to build their credit before pursuing higher education.
  2. Option to Apply with a Cosigner: For applicants who may not meet certain eligibility criteria on their own, they have the flexibility to include a cosigner in their application. This can increase their chances of approval and potentially secure more favorable loan terms.
  3. Based on Future Earnings Potential: We also consider an applicant’s future earnings potential as part of our evaluation process. By taking into account their chosen field of study and career prospects, we aim to make financing accessible based on their projected income rather than strictly relying on existing financial history.
  4. Greater Financial Inclusion: Our approach promotes greater financial inclusion by offering pathways for those who may face challenges due to limited credit history or insufficient income records.
  5. Equal Access to Education: By providing options for students without a credit history or those seeking additional support through cosigners or future earnings potential, we strive to ensure equal access to quality education regardless of financial circumstances.

Lastly, with Ascent Student Loans, you don’t have to worry about missing out on educational opportunities due to a lack of credit history or inadequate income proof. Take advantage of our inclusive student loan solutions and embark on your academic journey confidently.


  • “Introduction to Ascent Student Loans”
  • “Features that set Ascent Student Loans apart”

Finally, a loan that doesn’t nickel and dime you with unnecessary fees at every turn.

No fees, including no application fees, prepayment penalties, or fees during the repayment process

Ascent Student Loans offers a unique advantage with no charges associated, ensuring a hassle-free experience for borrowers. This includes the absence of any application fees, prepayment penalties, or fees during the repayment process.

  • No application fees: Ascent Student Loans does not charge any fees when applying for a loan, making it more accessible and affordable for students.
  • No prepayment penalties: Borrowers can repay their loans early without incurring any additional costs or penalties from Ascent Student Loans.
  • No fees during the repayment process: Ascent Student Loans does not impose any hidden charges or fees throughout the entire repayment journey, giving borrowers peace of mind.

Furthermore, it’s important to note that these zero fees apply to all aspects of the loan process, distinguishing Ascent Student Loans as a transparent and dependable option for students seeking financial assistance.

Pro Tip: Make sure to carefully review and compare loan options from different providers to ensure you are selecting the one that best fits your needs.

Graduation is just the beginning of the countdown to paying back your student loans, but at least Ascent Student Loans gives you some breathing room with a grace period and flexible repayment options.

Repayment flexibility with various options for loan repayment and a grace period after graduation

Repayment options after graduation with flexible loan terms are available, ensuring ease and convenience in the repayment process. Students have multiple choices to repay their loans, along with a grace period post-graduation.

  • Choice of repayment plans: Ascent Student Loans provides various repayment plans tailored to individual needs and financial situations. Students can opt for plans that best suit their budget, whether it be fixed monthly payments or income-driven repayment.
  • Grace period post-graduation: Ascent offers a grace period after graduation, allowing borrowers time to find stable employment before starting their loan repayments. This period helps students transition smoothly from college to the workforce without immediate financial burden.
  • Additional flexibility: In addition to the different repayment options and grace period, Ascent Student Loans also allows for deferment or forbearance in special cases. This flexibility ensures that borrowers have options during unexpected circumstances such as unemployment or economic hardships.

Despite these features being discussed above, there are additional unique details worth mentioning about the repayment flexibility offered by Ascent Student Loans. Applicants can apply without a credit history by either obtaining a cosigner or demonstrating their potential future earnings capacity. This approach enables students who may not have a credit history yet to access loans for financing their higher education expenses confidently.

It is worth sharing a true story highlighting the benefits of repayment flexibility. Emily, a recent college graduate, faced difficulty finding employment immediately after graduation due to unforeseen circumstances. Fortunately, she had taken out an Ascent Student Loan which provided her with a grace period before she was required to start making payments. This allowed her time to secure a job and get settled financially before any loan obligations began. The flexibility provided by Ascent’s repayment options greatly relieved Emily’s stress during this transitional phase of her life.

Before taking out a loan, Ascent Student Loans actually considers the astronomical cost of tuition and expenses, so your debt can at least be justified.

Consideration of tuition and expenses in loan eligibility

Ascent Student Loans thoughtfully considers the impact of tuition and expenses when determining loan eligibility. Here’s how they ensure that students receive the financial support they need:

  • Evaluating tuition costs: Ascent takes into account the specific amount required for tuition, which helps determine the appropriate loan amount for students.
  • Assessing living expenses: In addition to tuition, Ascent also considers the cost of living expenses, such as housing, meals, and transportation. This ensures that students can cover all necessary expenses while pursuing their education.
  • Factoring in other educational costs: Ascent recognizes that college comes with various additional costs, such as textbooks, lab fees, and technology expenses. These factors are taken into consideration to help students avoid financial strains and focus on their studies.
  • Analyzing financial aid: As part of the evaluation process, Ascent assesses any available financial aid that students may have received or are eligible for. This information is used to determine the remaining amount of funding needed through student loans.
  • Considering repayment capacity: Alongside tuition and expenses, Ascent evaluates students’ ability to repay their loans based on future earning potential and career prospects. This approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of each student’s situation and enhances loan eligibility decisions.

To further enhance transparency and fairness in the loan application process, Ascent also considers individual circumstances beyond credit history or cosigner availability.

By considering tuition and expenses in loan eligibility criteria, Ascent empowers students to make informed decisions about their education financing options. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to secure student loans tailored to your unique needs!

Conclusion and recommendation for Ascent Student Loans as a competitive option for student loan financing

Ascent Student Loans: A Top Choice for Student Loan Financing

Ascent Student Loans stands out as a highly competitive option for student loan financing. With its attractive rates and flexible repayment options, it offers a compelling choice for students seeking financial support for their education. Moreover, Ascent Student Loans takes into account the unique needs and challenges of students by providing additional features such as cosigner release, on-time graduation rewards, and various repayment plans.

When considering Ascent Student Loans as a competitive option for student loan financing, it is evident that their customer-centric approach sets them apart. Their commitment to helping students succeed is reflected in their personalized loan solutions and focus on affordability. Additionally, their user-friendly online platform allows borrowers to easily manage their loans and explore available resources for financial empowerment.

One notable aspect of Ascent Student Loans is their emphasis on empowering students to build their credit history while still in school. By offering credit education resources and credit-building opportunities, they enable students to establish a strong financial foundation for their future.

Pro Tip: Make sure to thoroughly research and compare various student loan options before making a decision. Consider factors such as interest rates, repayment terms, and additional benefits offered by different lenders.

Five Facts About Ascent Student Loan Review:

  • ✅ Ascent Student Loans offers competitive rates and a quick, easy application process.
  • ✅ Ascent offers credit-based student loans to undergraduate and graduate students.
  • ✅ Ascent allows students without a credit history to qualify for a loan based on their future income.
  • ✅ Ascent does not charge any application fees and offers repayment flexibility.
  • ✅ Ascent provides options for undergraduate and graduate student loans with variable and fixed APR rates.

FAQs about Ascent Student Loan Review

What is Ascent Student Loans?

Ascent Student Loans offers credit-based student loans to undergraduate and graduate students. They provide competitive rates and a quick application process. One unique feature of Ascent is the ability to qualify for a loan based on your future income, making it a great option for those without a credit history.

How does Ascent Student Loans work?

To apply for Ascent Student Loans, simply visit their website and fill out the online application form. The application process does not impact your credit score. You will be asked for information about yourself, your school, and your desired loan amount. Ascent will then review this information and determine your loan eligibility.

What are the pricing options for Ascent Student Loans?

For undergraduate student loans, the variable APR ranges from 5.98% – 15.63% and the fixed APR rates range from 4.48% – 15.27%. For graduate student loans, the variable APR ranges from 6.53% – 15.88% and the fixed APR rates range from 5.33% – 15.52%. There are no application fees, but late payment and returned payment fees may apply.

What features make Ascent Student Loans stand out?

Ascent Student Loans offers several standout features. Firstly, they do not require a credit history for loan qualification. Additionally, they have no fees associated with their loans, including no prepayment penalties. Ascent also provides flexibility in repayment options, allowing borrowers to choose between 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, or 20-year repayment terms.

Can I apply for Ascent Student Loans without a cosigner?

Yes, Ascent allows you to apply for a student loan without a cosigner. They offer the option to qualify based on your future earnings potential, which is particularly helpful for students with no credit history. However, if you do choose to use a cosigner, you can release them from the loan after 12 consecutive on-time payments.

What types of degrees are eligible for Ascent Graduate Student Loans?

Ascent Graduate Student Loans are available for students pursuing business (MBA), dental (DMD, DDS), law (JD, LLM), medical (MD, DO, DVM, VMD, DPM), or graduate degrees (MA, MS, PhD). If you are pursuing one of these degree programs, Ascent offers specific benefits tailored to your field of study.